WOW! You all have been such a support in more ways than one! I am so thankful for each of you and all that you have done and continue to do to make my year as Mrs. Rio Rancho-America 2009 a successful and wonderful time!
On to Mrs. New Mexico 2009!!!
Thank You Sponsors!
My loving husband Justin, you truly are my biggest fan! I love you!
Monatau-Michael Combs- You Rock!
Graphic Design- Rachel J. Nagy- I am blessed to have you as my sister and supporter! You are a blessed and talented artist!
Planet Beach- Mike, Joe and Jenessa- You guys are so much fun! Thanks for the great experience to Relax, Glow and Renew my way to the pageant!
Halo Salon- Carol Brown- Thanks for making me beautiful!! :) I love the nails and hair and can't wait for the big day!
Body Wisdom Pilates- Kelly Higgins- Wow! You all are serious! Thanks for getting me in shape for the pageant, your mat classes are lots of fun,INTENSE, but fun! :) yay!
Sew What Fashions- Haz- Thanks for assisting in my picture perfect outfits for the pageant! You are very sweet and thank you for the support!
Rio Rancho T-Shirts- Wayne Holly- My Mrs. Rio Rancho Shirt is the best! I love it and it will be great to have for the pageant weekend! Thanks for being so kind and helpful!
Beauty for Lashes- Paula Hill- I'm so excited about my lashes! Thanks for being a blessing!
Affordable Services-Laurie A. Howland- Thank you for believing in me and for your support!
Wondra Dental- Kirk S. Wondra, DDS- My pearly whites will be shining! Thank you.
Brittney Vallejos- Professional Make-up Artist- I'm excited for the pageant! You are such a sweetheart and have great talent! You will go far!
City of Rio Rancho-Mayor Thomas E. Swisstack- Thank you for the support and acknowledging my dedication to the children of Rio Rancho Public Schools as a Social Worker!
Church Alive!-Pastor Mike & Sheri- You are such a blessing and inspiration to my life! Thank you for being the LOVE you want to see in the world!
Farmers Insurance- Louis & Donna Malherbe- Thank you for being great sponsors!
Image Design, LLC -Patrick L. Massengale- You are a great photographer! I love the photos and thank you for coming out to Planet Beach! That was fun!
Sully- Mystic Fusion Belly Dancers- What a special person you are! Thank you for investing in me and I know there will be a great return for you in more ways than one! Thank you Thank you Thank you!
Absolutely Fantastic Pageant Consulting-Amanda Foor- How much fun I have had getting to hang out with you and learn from your experiences! Thanks for being a blessing and a joy!
Cosmetic Dentistry of New Mexico- Byron W. Wall, DDS - Thank you for supporting me! Tom & Pamela, Thank you!
Jim French, LMT, CST- Salon Deluxe- Thank you for sponsoring me and for taking the time to hear about my adventures!
New Mexico Marriages First- Michael & Rebecca Holland- Here we are one year later from our wedding day! We are blessed to have you in our lives and you have changed our lives for the positive in more ways than you know! Thank you for being faithful in what you have been called in!
Jerry & Sue Ihriskey- I had a blast riding in your shiny red corvette in the Memorial Day Parade! Thank you for being great!
Tonya Craig- You do great work and thank you for supporting me!
Sheree Channel, Executive State Director- Thank you for all you do to make the Mrs. New Mexico Pageant experience a great one!
Finally, the love and support of my friends and family make this all worth so much more. Thank you for believing in me and supporting me as I live the life I imagine!
Thank you Father God for being my love, life and always present help! I can enjoy these experiences because of You. To You be the glory!